Innovative detection for smart & safe mobility

RXW radar


For which application ?

  • Traffic light triggering
  •  Autonomous installation for temporary road construction or maintenance
  • Green wave traffic regulation
  • Over speed detection
  • Traffic analysis

The principles

The autonomous RXW radar transmits its data wirelessly via radio link to the crossroads controller with a central RXM module.

Settings such as range, direction discrimination, filters and automatic tilt compensation, are very easily adjustable, directly from the RXM central module which can simultaneously manage a network of up to 4 RXW radars.

The data and settings are transmitted via radio link between the RXW radar and the RXM ground module without any wired link.

The benefits

  • High radio link reliability
  • No civil work
  • Settings in the traffic light controller cabinet
  • Opertating and commissioning very easy
  • Vehicle direction detection
  • Data transmission by radio
  • Low consumption
  • Solar power (option)

RXW radar

Radar RXW
Antenna LRU
Module RXM on the ground



Parc Technologique des Fontaines

33 4 76 089 075
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