IV System
Priority at traffic light system
Vehicle detection and identification system for traffic light priority or access management
For which application ?
- Traffic light priority for public transport, firemen, ambulances.
- Management of service vehicle fleet
- Selective command of gates, barriers, bollards
The principles

This system consists of an on-board emission beacon (IVE) on the vehicle and a fixed receiver (IVR) associated with an upstream inductive loop and connected to the downstream light controller.
The beacon mounted under the chassis of the vehicle to be identified transmits a specific code programmable by hand control (rotary wheel, joystick) or automatic (AVL).
This code is detected when the vehicle passes through the loop and transmitted to the fire controller by the receiver (IVR).
This system also exists in a simplified version: the beacon code is directly loaded by the factory which requires no programming.
It is mainly used for private fleet management or hospital access to priority and service vehicles.
The benefits
Reliability and safety
- Access and priority only to identified vehicles
- 1 loop = 2 functions: selective priority + véhicle detection (patented)
- Excellent robustness with high EMC level
- Qucik and easy installation of the system with cabling set supplied
- The beacon is attached to the equipped vehicle, which avoids any loss or theft equipment
Accuracy of the information
- Precise location of the vehicle, real-time management of priority and approach
- Data security by CRC coding
- Auto diagnostic of the detection system via LED
Optimal installation
- Adjustable system to all operating modes with any type of existing loops, light controller, manual command
- Scalable system: ability to manage future needs (creation of additional lines with crossroads common to existing lines, moving from a manual command to an automatic system )
- No maintenance, no civil work
IV System