IH System
Priority at traffic light system
Microwave transmission solution
For which application ?
- Priority at traffic light
- Service vehicle fleet management
- Selective command of doors, bollards
The principles

This priority management system by microwave allows to :
- Excellent wireless communication between the on board transmitter and the receiver on the traffic light controller
- Transmission from one to several command orders (e.g., right, middle, left) using different codes
- Long distance detection (500m in urban areas)
The IH system consists of two subsets :
- An onboard transmitter that generates the commands
- A receiver on the ground that transmits the received orders on dry contacts. This is a visual transmission with and adjustable range
The benefits
Optimal integration
- No civil works, discreet integration in the urban environment (compact and aesthetic housing)
- Optimized implementation cost
- Quick and easy installation
- Easy access to the settings on the fron panel without disassembly
- High reliability detection thanks to high frequency band 24. 125GHz
- Rapid identification of a vehicle through long-distance communication

- Resistance to all environments:
- High protection rating : IP 66
- Wide operating temperature range -30° to +70°C
- High immunity to disturbances
- System compatible with any manual command system (rotary selector or remote control type) or automatic (connection with a AVL )
IH System